Diocese of Fall River
Roman Rite
No Information Available
In 1921 the Portuguese and Cape Verdean Immigrants of Falmouth requested from the Bishop of Fall River a priest to minister to their spiritual and cultural needs. With that request Saint Anthony's Parish was formed and the church was opened on New Year's Day 1924. St. Anthony's served the needs of the Portuguese Immigrants and their families until 1972, when its mission was expanded to all the people in East Falmouth.
Today, Saint Anthony's is a dynamic faith community, grounded in love, respectful in worship, and embracing all who choose to join with us in praise of God.
Call for hours, mass is seasonal and special occasions.
0/5 (1 Reviews)
Just fourteen years after the dedication of Saint Joseph Church, Woods Hole, the Bishop of Providence, Matthew Harkins, granted permission to Father Cornelius McSwiney, Pastor of Saint Joseph Parish, Woods Hole, to purchase land on which to build a wood-framed church on Main Street, Falmouth. Buildi
0/5 (1 Reviews)
This is one of the most beautiful parish churches on Cape Cod, just a short walk to spectacular sunsets of Old Silver Beach, but one that still so many have never heard of, not to mention seen. That's one of the reasons for this website - to allow all people to take a virtual tour of this church an
0/5 (1 Reviews)
North Falmouth
Saint Joseph's is a Catholic Chapel in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
0/5 (1 Reviews)
Woods Hole
Saint John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Parish is a warm and welcoming faith community in the town of Bourne on Cape Cod. Established as a Parish by Bishop James L. Connolly in June of 1969, our worship space is located in the village of Pocasset, and our parishioners include people from the vill
0/5 (1 Reviews)
(1 answers) Anonymous on Sunday, February 16, 2025 ( 0 votes )