(208) 344-2597
Roman Rite
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Dedicated in 2009, the renovated church is now nationally and internationally known for its outstanding art.
The church remains "a grand new home reared to the honor and glory of the King of Kings" and His mother, Mary.
The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist strives to use our gifts and love of Christ, to evangelize and nurture those whom God has entrusted to us, so that our parish is living the faith, and so that by valuing each person Christ is encountered and carried out in the world.
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As Sacred Heart Catholic Community on Boise's Central Bench, we are called to help each person encounter the Living Christ by participating in vibrant worship and prayer, deepening our understanding of and witnessing the Gospel message, and reaching out to those in need.
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As members of His Body, we come together and are transformed through the Word of God, the Mass, the Sacraments, and prayer. We go forth into the world sharing the Love of Christ.
0/5 (1 Reviews)
Vision Statement Our Lady of the Rosary is a Catholic community serving individuals and families in Southeast Boise with their spiritual and temporal needs, through the example of Jesus, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to further the Kingdom of God. Mission Statement: Affirm our
0/5 (1 Reviews)
Dedicated to worship, education, service and a communal life in response to God and the neighbor
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