Our Lady of the Rosary Parish

Diocese of Boise

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Roman Rite

Weekend Mass Schedule
  • Sunday 9:00 AM Mass
  • Saturday 5:00 PM Vigil
Weekday Mass Schedule
  • Monday 8:00 AM
  • Tuesday 8:00 AM
  • Wednesday 8:00 AM
  • Thursday 8:00 AM
  • Friday 8:00 AM
Mass Schedule for Holy Days

No Information Available

Confession Schedule
  • Saturday 3:30 PM or by appointment

Vision Statement  Our Lady of the Rosary is a Catholic community serving individuals and families in Southeast Boise with their spiritual and temporal needs, through the example of Jesus, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to further the Kingdom of God.     
Mission Statement:  Affirm our love and fidelity to God in our liturgies and the way we conduct our lives. Bear witness to Jesus Christ through our words and actions. Educate our community about the teachings of Christ. Love and serve our neighbors near and far. Welcome all people to this Catholic Christian community. Promote lay leadership through helping individuals recognize and develop their gifts. Facilitate the development of small church communities within the parish.

Questions & Answers

  • Question Are the posted Mass times correct?
  • Question What do I need to get copy of Baptismal certificate?

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