Diocese of Fall River
Roman Rite
No Information Available
Parish Office:
Monday-Friday 8:30am-3:00pm
St. Thomas More Church has a Parish Pastoral Council and a Parish Finance Council and many ministries and activities. They include Adult Choir, Children's Choir, the St. Thomas More Dinner Club, Faith Formation/Religious Education, Altar Servers, Lectors, Funeral Ministry, St. Vincent de Paul Soci
0/5 (1 Reviews)
Memories are precious recollections that help us to recognize who we are. One hundred years of parish life have produced many precious moments telling us who we are as a people. It is a story of a simple, hardworking people who sacrificed for what they believed. It is a story of dedicated priests w
0/5 (1 Reviews)
Fall River
Saint Joseph Church, a spiritual home for Catholics in the North End of Fall River. Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9AM - 3PM Friday: 9AM - 12PM
0/5 (1 Reviews)
Fall River
Holy Name Parish is a Eucharistic Family of Faith, united with Catholic people throughout the world. Nourished by Word and Sacrament, we strive to help each member grow in their Faith. We seek to imitate Christ by assisting others in their spiritual and material needs, as we journey&
0/5 (1 Reviews)
Fall River
(1 answers) Anonymous on Tuesday, March 22, 2022 ( 0 votes )