Archdiocese of Chicago
Roman Rite
St. Mary of the Annunciation Roman Catholic Church is a dynamic parish of more than 1600 families and more than 60 active and thriving ministries. We offer something for everyone, whether single or married, male or female, young or not so young, with children or without. We want you to feel welc
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"United as a Catholic faith family;Empowered by the Holy Spirit to proclaim Christ's teaching in word and deed;Committed to be Christ to one another through love and serviceas we welcome and honor the dignity of all people, cultures and economic backgrounds." We manifest our mission through:Prayer
0/5 (1 Reviews)
Lake Zurich
(1 answers) Anonymous on Wednesday, June 8, 2022 ( 0 votes )
Contact Parish Office at 847-526-2400 Monday - Friday 9 am - noon and 1 - 5 pm